The GoL and UN are holding a one-day Dialogue around strengthening mutual engagement and information sharing on the UN’s national development efforts.
The Dialogue was convened by the Government of Liberia to improve aid transparency, effectiveness and decision making. This joint Government of Liberia and United Nations Dialogue is the first since the signature of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in August 2019. This event will serve to facilitate and initiate high-level dialogues around policy and programmes progress of the UNSDCF and launch the Joint Government of Liberia/United Nations Steering Committee. The Dialogue has in attendance Government Ministers, heads of Government entities, led by Augustus J. Flomo, Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Ministry of Finance & Development Planning and representatives from 18 UN agencies, led by the UN Resident Coordinator, Niels Scott.
The GOL/UN Dialogue is happening at an opportune moment when the Government has recalibrated the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) to address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, to inform the alignment of the United Nation’s Cooperation Framework and the Liberian Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). This Dialogue relaunches the continued engagement between the UN and the Government of Liberia and will be followed by further discussions on areas of mutual importance
The Government of Liberia and the UN in Liberia are reviewing the PAPD and Development priorities which guides the UN priorities and how to better coordinate development work, strengthen partnerships with development actors. The Dialogue will also include reflections on the broad achievements to date by the UN in Liberia and the priorities; the Covid-19 pandemic necessitated reprogramming of development resources to respond to the pandemic in 2020 and recently 2021.
The UN Resident Coordinator stated, "We are grateful today for the opportunity to have this meeting- thanks to the organizers from Government of Liberia and UN Country Team for their efforts towards organizing this all important dialogue". He added, "This UN/GoL Dialogue is intended to get the discussions going on the UN in Liberia's UNSDCF; listen to the Government and get your responses".
The Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Augustus J. Flomo noted that ..."the dialogue is the beginning of a series of discussions with the UN Country Team on together ensuring that aid is more efficient and effective".
The UN is resolved to continue strengthening collaboration with the Government on sustainable development, building on agreed UN/GOL coordination mechanisms for dialogue, development cooperation and mutual accountability for the benefit of the people of Liberia.
The Government of Liberia express gratitude to the UN family in Liberia for their continued support to the development agenda and encourage strong collaboration for future designs of projects and implementation.