UNFPA Liberia Country Office Annual Report 2021

UNFPA also works to realize reproductive rights by ending preventable maternal mortality, ending unmet need for Family Planning, and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices, including female genital mutilation (FGM) in Liberia.
Our work on population and development undoubtedly remains central to ending poverty. Liberia’s participation in the 2020 Round of Censuses was kept alive by implementing various interventions, including cartographic and field mapping and a Census pre-test. Albeit some challenges led to the postponement of the enumeration phase in 2021, UNFPA and its partners are hopeful of finalizing the process before the end of 2022.
In 2021, our efforts to ensure rights and choices for all in Liberia by ending preventable maternal deaths, ending unmet need for family planning, and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices, including child marriage and female genital mutilation, remained on course. Key highlights of the achievements include:
- More than 400,000 individuals received sexual and reproductive health information and services, including family planning; 50 percent were adolescents and youth;
- 2,032 SGBV survivors were provided with medical, psychosocial, and protection services;
- 1.4 million United States Dollars’ worth of reproductive health commodities and contraceptives procured and distributed through the national reproductive health commodities mechanism. The impact of the availability of these reproductive health commodities is reflected as follows:
- An estimated 60,630 Unintended pregnancies averted;
- An estimated 257 maternal deaths averted;
- An estimated 965 child deaths averted.
None of the progress and results highlighted in this report would have been possible without the support and collaboration of key partners, including the Government of Liberia, civil society organizations, implementing partners, sister UN agencies, and most importantly, our donors.