The UN Country Team advocates for the implementation of the SDGs, the Agenda 2030 and UN Vision 2030 through the UNSDCF 2020-2024 for Liberia that is aligned to the national Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). The UN in Liberia supports the Government priorities, and the achievement of the SDGs that the country committed to in collaboration with Partners . The United Nations envisages a partnership that would “ …support Liberia become a reconciled, transformed and prosperous nation anchored on accountable institutions and equitable, inclusive and sustainable development ” by 2030 The UN’s Vision 2030 is aligned to and supports the Government’s Vision “To build more capable and trusted state institutions that will lead to a stable, resilient, and inclusive nation embracing its triple heritage and anchored on its African identity and to provide greater income security to an additional one million Liberians, and reduce absolute poverty by 23 % across five out of six regions --through sustained and inclusive economic growth driven by scaled-up investments in agriculture, infrastructure, human resource development, and social protection.” The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNDSCF) 2020-2024 is the UN’s response to Liberia’s transformative agenda and development priorities and guides the collaboration with the Government of Liberia