WHO Liberia 2023 Annual Report

The year 2023 holds significant importance for Liberia— from hosting the Third Global Community Health Worker’s Symposium to successfully integrating the COVID-19 Pandemic into Primary Health Care (PHC) and conducting peaceful and credible General Elections --- these achievements will leave an indelible mark in the country’s history.
Within the framework of our General Programme of Work and guided by the Country Cooperation Strategy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, WHO, in partnership with other organizations, is working alongside the Liberian government to implement key healthcare priorities. These priorities include improving access to quality essential health services, achieving Universal Health Coverage by strengthening health systems and primary healthcare, promoting healthier populations through multisectoral actions, and enhancing the country’s ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to public health threats.
We have achieved several significant results in the health sector with our health partners. We have developed policies, strategies, standard operating procedures, and technical guidelines to provide better healthcare services. We have also generated evidence through assessments, after-action reviews, and external evaluations of the core capacities of the International Health Regulations. Our efforts have resulted in high COVID-19 vaccination coverage and increased routine vaccination efforts to catch up with children who missed their routine immunization due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The country office is committed to maintaining the same team spirit, commitment, and agility while working with the new leadership in the Ministry of Health in 2024 and beyond. However, more support is needed to assist the government in achieving its national health targets and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).